And we lost.
Miles took the news pretty hard.
AIC decided to have not one but two bands open for them, and neither of those two were us.
Oh the pain. It hurts. Inside.
But Alice...dudes...?
Sources say AIC's management researched the bands to see what big names they had opened for and what kind of crowds they draw...but, whatever. we play tomorrow night instead for about 6 hours.
"If you're not in first, you're last." --Ricky Bobby
I don't like comedies in theatres. It's never funny enough to make it worth the money. But with some free tix, my bro and I caught Talladega Nights last night. As usual, the commercials for the movie gave away every funny part in the movie. What a waste. It was even worse than I imagined. I was hoping for a severe mocking of the Nascar community, but no. Cheesy in a bad way. Wait for the DVD.
Can you smell that?
I'm burning my Alice records:(
thanks a mil for coming out...you guys rock!!!
did you really call and bitch?
that's funny.
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