Tuesday, November 28, 2006

today's entry:

"True Life: I'm Adopted" on mtv. Cooper talks to his biological father for the first time. And then Aiden gets Drum Major!

Monday, November 27, 2006

today's entry:

8 year-old girl singing opera on Leno.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

today's entry:

"Trial by Choir" on TLC. Blind Girl sings 'Amazing Grace' and all the kids on the bus cry. and so do I.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


The new theme for this blog is: What tv moment made me cry today?
today's entry:
that commercial for the new video game "Gears of War." It has a really sad song playing.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Voting Crew

I spent some time in a gymnasium with about 30 elderly folk this morning. I knew we were all thinking the same thing: legal marijuana. Doctor approved grass, man. We're gonna lose, but just barely, dudes!
Ha ha, feisty-Christys went down. SD no joke!
"Keep dirty religious cults and their hypocrite morals out of politics!" That's what I said to those elderly folks, cause I thought we were, like, connected. I thought we had a similar flow of energy about us and that we could open up to one another as concerned citizens in a starving land on a dying planet. "Dudes. They're trying to kill our buzz, dudes!"
I wasn't surprised by their reaction. They did nothing. Cause no one heard me. Cause old people can't hear! Ha!
But Science bless those old people, ya know? They sure can get out and vote. Can't say the same for some peeps I know. My Great-Granny was racist. Old people are silly!
They have silly thoughts and then have kids. Force silly into their mouths and there you are.
Silly! Some of these silly peeps think the government should be in charge of what people do with their own body! Their own body? Their own body.
What to do with all these bodies?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Sleepeater has a new van. Now we'll come play for you.
Or you could come play for us.
In our van.