In case you missed the speech, here is a short summary for ya...
"blah, blah, blah, terror, blah, blah, blah, freedom. (standing ovation)
blahty, blah, I am a giant dumbass, blah, blah. (standing ovation)
blah, blah, Rice is nice, but Rumsfeld's quicker, blah, blah (standing ovation)
blah, al quida, blah, terror, blah, weapons of mass destruction, blah. (standing ovation)
yada, yada, me and my buddies are making bank on this war, yada, yada." (applause only)
blah, over to my left is Soldier Johnson's parents. Johnsons dead, but ya'll give it up for his folks. we feel bad now, but the media will quickly shift the focus to happy things, and we'll forget all about it. But they won't... uh, I mean terror!" (standing ovation)
they should make an announcement like they do at graduations: "Please hold your applause til the end, idiots."