Thursday, October 28, 2004

...where every song is seasoned with love...

The Undertone Trio jazzed out the 601 Arota last night and oh, the excitement.
What is it with people who come up and try to engage us in conversation in the middle of a song?
Three people, including the owner, felt such an urgent need to speak to us that it couldn't wait until the end of the song. Some dork walked up and said, "Autumn Leaves, huh? There was this one time, at this one place, and blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada..." Shut the hell up. If you are going to annoy us with your chatty banter, at least drop a five in the tip jar.
On the other hand, I guess that means that someone was listening. So, I'm sorry, dork. You are a-okay in my book.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Is This Thing ON?., or "step to this, I dare ya."

In the midst of all the "proper," "mellow," "soothing," "let-us-keep-this-quiet-so-snobs-can-continue-to-conversate-about-all-their-money-doubling-itself-in-the-stocks," jazz standards we were pumping out this evening, I was struggling with the urge to cease the endless, pointless noodling, and just bang on the keys with the wild abandon of which I am so fond of. But, alas, there are degrees of selling-out, and learning a few jazz ditties to sport in a classy joint such as this ranks lower(?) on my list than most. However, all this high-brow garbage does detract from the fact that a beautiful Saturday night went by without the joy of a true sleepeater set. For the good financially, but perhaps the bad spiritually, it looks as if this will be the schedule for a month or so. Music Gods be with us: keep our souls pure with the joy of the music we are creating; let not our minds be brought to the evil truth known as reality; hold our heads above the muck of mundane energy that seeks to infiltrate us like green ivy into a foundation of bricks.

Of course, this coming from a nobody.
Who am I, to decide the way it should be?
--you're soaking up all my synergic energy.--

Saturday, October 23, 2004

sleepeater at 7th Street Entry Posted by Hello photo taken by vomitgod

Friday, October 22, 2004

sleepeater at 601 Arota

The Undertone Trio (wink, wink)
with Sleepeater
Saturday(s?) 10/22/04 ....

In an effort to secure monetary goods while maintaining a small shred of dignity, our side project looks for a semi-permanent gig at 601 Arota.
The whole deal seems a little fishy from some of the stories we've heard, but we're poor and desparate enough to give it a go.
Come sip a glass of wine and wax intellectually on topics such as wine and intellect. In the background I will be noodling fiercely in a classic hypo-dorian mode.

oldies but kinda goodies,